Friday, June 29, 2007

Visibility Crisis

I was just thinking about the title of the post whether it should be visibility bug or visibility crisis.....lastly thought the latter would be the better choice.
At times I've realized that people are bitten by visibility bug a work or not doesn't matter but you have to have the skills to make your presence felt.
I have seen guys who are standing tall just because they have the ability to make timely cc's and bcc's and there are guys at the other hand who despite putting best of their working abilities can't make it to the top....there is a cut-throat competition around wherein people don't want to loose any chance to prove themselves....well,there is a reason behind...onsite opportunities,good ratings/appraisals...Fine i agree who doesn't have these desires but to fulfill them aren't we loosing our values,morals,ethics...*sigh* who cares at all....In all this rat race the much hyped terms team spirit/team bonding goes into the back-burner...I feel things will come out to you if you have that capabilities in's just a matter of time......
I found this post by Robin Sharma interesting to correlate with.....

Credit Doesn't Matter Mon June 18, 2007

I think it was Teddy Roosevelt who said something like "you can have whatever you want so long as it doesn't matter who gets the credit." (I'm in a cab in New York City blogging this out on my Blackberry so I'm not able to be sure right now). But the idea remains uber-powerful. Leave your ego at the front door when you go into work tomorrow morning and just do great work. Good things will happen. For you.

It's so human to crave applause and recognition and acclaim. We all want to be appreciated by our peers and revered by the tribe. But leadership is a lot more than trying to look good in the eyes of others. It's about standing for a Cause. It's about being excellent as you do your work (no matter what your title is). It's about leaving people better than you found them. And it's about not worrying who gets the credit for a job well done.

People who are brilliant at what they do always get found out. The cliché is true: the cream always rises to the top. The best always come to light. And The Great Ones amongst us can never be held back.

"There are two kind of people,one who works and one who takes the credit,try to be in the first group there is less competition there."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep Buddy
Well said...
But lets hope things dont turn ugly by the time we realize its too late..

5:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Liked the last sentence of your blog.Can't we manage to be at both the side or somewhere in between of both? ;)

2:25 AM  
Blogger mrinabh said...

First of all, kudos to you Vineet for bringing out this bittersweet thumb-rule of the industry.

Look around! It's the same protocol that defines every inch of this human society!! A shopkeeper cannot trade profitably unless he advertises/markets his commodities by alluring - whether it's done ethically or explicitly. You cannot get the extra score in your score-card unless you make your faculty 'feel' that you are doing something extraordinary, apart from what the remaining lot is actually engrossed in. Your girl would not feel loved unless you do that extra foreplay.

It's a basic nature of any living creature - to appreciate what is actually creating a wave in its mind. So if you put your efforts in the erroneous zones, it goes vain - needless to say, how sincerely you might have attempted a bonanza. We humans are truly fucking hostile to one another!

In the words of Bruce Springsteen - If you pay the price, she'll let you deep inside [Secret Garden].

A thought-provoking post! I am thrilled to read that!!

9:53 AM  

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