Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"India Shining" Again

nowadays Times of India had started a campaign named "India Poised"......this reminds me
of how,way back in 2004 general elections BJP had also started "India Shining" campaign to woo voters....lots of govt. funds was wasted on TV ads/National news-papers....though BJP was thinking of a comeback thru all this but all these efforts bore no fruits to them as the common man rejected the mighty,tall claims......
What makes this "India poised" campaign different as it talks of a nation as a talks about common talks about the extra-ordinary feats achieved by an ordinary man... talks about the rising economy,booming IT/ITES/BPO/KPO shows facts and figures....agrarian sector is growing on smooth is showing how the tata's,mittal's,ambani's are making India's presence felt across the globe......we are moving towards a brighter future no's not that we are going to be superpower in next 50 years.....but yes we are moving in the right direction......
no doubt "India is Shining" .....

~Cloud Number Nine~

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Need of being Decisive

while watching the halcyon water of the lake back in my home town i was just having some thoughts on thing is sure,you need to be decisive in it's you personal life or's better to work out things now then to regret later on for the's all about taking right moves in life....if you want to do something or want to create a niche for yourself or want to reach high on the ladder or whatever you think you can do or you want to have out of life.....all this needs a decision to be taken at the cross-roads of life.....You take some right moves and you are there,you take a wrong move and you find yourself is like that provides you opportunity to do certain's upon you to convert that opportunity in a hit or you shut the door for the knocking opportunity.......
once you had decided to carry out something you need to put your 100% efforts on that to ensure that you achieve your target.....

"If you want to achieve something you need to desire it intensely and need to be absolutely certain that it would happen"