Friday, June 10, 2011

For Depressed Souls!

Couple of days back I met a person on a coffee break and after customary "Hi/Hello", I asked him "How is life"? he promptly retorted "Life is a bitch!" I replied back "Life is beautiful!". After talking him for a while got to know that all is not well with him....but somehow I felt like this guy is a depressed soul. That evening I decided to write a post on depressed souls ....What's depression? If you are feeling down and out? If you don't have the energy or desire to get out and do things? If you are feeling hopeless or uncertain about the future? If answer to these questions is yes then you might be stuck in a rut that you don't think you can get out of... and it leads to depression. You want to get up and do things... but you aren't able to do so.The thoughts race through your mind... what if, maybe I should have done... if only I had... it's my fault... there's nowhere to turn... After a while you feel hopeless, you think what's the point of even trying, you'll only fail again... and you're tired of the same old thing over and over again... These thoughts that race through your mind hold you back, slow you down, and trap you in a feeling of despair and isolation...

When you replace those very same thoughts, your entire life changes. Your circumstances change. You begin to feel alive, happy, ambitious, ready to step out and live life to its fullest.

Couple of suggestions to get rid of depression:

* Focus on Success Instead of failures
* Forgive others for the way they may have treated you
* No Longer feel sorry for yourself
* Be more confident
* Enjoy a Greater Sense of Self Worth
* Go out and interact with friends and family
* Don't worry about what others might say or think
* Overcome obstacles that may have stopped you in the past
* Eliminate the chronic feeling of sadness and despair

~ Life is not for those; who can't cope the dope